Oh lawd, AS exams up in a couple of weeks. If only Photoshop didn't lag like a complete bitch everytime I try to use my tablet with it, because it would be nice to paint with that again. Meanwhile everything I doodle digital-wise is in oekaki. It's pretty cool because I finally managed to get the pressure to work with it.
I go by Amanda or Lian, NOT Mandy or any other bastardisation of that. I guess I'm pretty pro, because I've survived up to level eighteen. The city I live in is a pretty big one. I like sunny days, cats, biology, my friends, pretty and delicate things, looking at peoples' handwriting, good music, stuff that involves making/crafting/fixing, mulling over something finicky, mulling over the meaning of life, eye candy (i.e. anything good to read), BEARS ON CRUISE CONTROL, the internet, and cool people.
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